We Can Do This!*

Plant Native

Regenerate Biodiversity

*No experience necessary!

In the past, we have asked one thing of our gardens: that they be pretty. Now they have to support life, sequester carbon, feed pollinators and manage water.

Doug Tallamy
co-founder HNP

Dig In!

Welcome to WonderGrove

Announcing a new video series by WonderGrove Kids and HNP for K-2 students! These fun and educational videos teach kids about creating bird habitats in their own yards. The first episodes are now available on the HNP Kids page.

HNP On the News

Homegrown National Park was featured on WGN News in Chicago. We’re excited to share how local residents (thank you, HNP volunteers!) are shrinking their lawns and planting natives, bringing nature back to the city and boosting biodiversity.

Meet Backyard Bounty

Get inspiration from these stunning native landscapes and learn why native landscaping is not only sound from an ecological perspective, but from a business perspective as well. Native landscapers have so much opportunity to become community influencers!

What's the Rush?

What’s the rush to regenerate biodiversity and start your Homegrown National Park? Why should you care about planting native, removing invasives, and restoring habitat? Learn why joining the movement is so important.

Support More Life

No Yard? No Problem! These plants can thrive in the ground or in containers and will support the most species in your area. You can still be an important part of regenerating biodiversity on your balcony, terrace, patio, rooftop or deck!

Symbiotic Schoolyard

Meet the new science unit you'll want in your middle schoolers' classrooms. Janneke Petersen is looking to spark a nationwide movement of middle school teachers restoring biodiversity in their schoolyards. Learn how to get your school involved.

Join the Movement!

Acres of Habitat

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